Climate change is and will be one of the world’s greatest challenges we face collectively. It will affect every single one of us and will determine the survival of not only humans but all life on this planet.
It will impact all industries both private and public and will ultimately shape the next 10 years and beyond. The question of course is, have we passed the tipping point? According to experts, we are now in that critical moment and the need to act before the ecological damage becomes irrevocable has never been so high.
The UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 is currently underway and there have been some much-needed extremely positive outcomes thus far, where world leaders have committed to $19 billion towards deforestation action. 105 countries covering 85% of the world’s forests have committed to this action, which sadly means that there is still room for improvement, with outliers like Thailand, whose PM has refused to commit to such action.
I have recently joined SpaceSeven, an e-commerce scale NFT marketplace that will be an absolute game-changer on so many exciting levels set to launch on the 23rd Nov 2021. One of which SpaceSevens’ commitment to reversing its carbon impact. It was one of the key criteria I was looking for in an organization, and it will be an important part of how I will steer not only my professional life but my personal life too.
Climate change is not a problem that we can leave for future generations. It is an immediate concern and we at SpaceSeven are taking this very seriously.
SpaceSeven has committed to change and pledges to be a net-zero emissions organization. It is also the very reason we are building on top of the Concordium blockchain which uses Proof-of-stake consensus. Unlike a Proof-of-Work-based consensus system like Ethereum or Bitcoin, a Proof-of-Stake network does not depend on the cost of the electricity it burns. Instead, it depends on direct economic incentives through block rewards.
Taking it a step further, SpaceSeven has also partnered with carbon footprint tracking organizations to ensure that we offset our impact as much as possible. We do this by calculating our emissions and then actively seek out measures to remove the same amount or more C02, by deploying various activities from planting trees, recycling, and other additional innovative projects that will remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.
Of course, as the world becomes more digital, there are many ways we can improve our carbon emissions, but it will be increasingly important to select technology and partners that enable this positive movement, hence why we have decided to build on top of the Concordium blockchain and have selected partners, artists and service providers who share this passion.
SpaceSeven is a net-zero emissions blockchain organization and is proud to be playing an active role in helping improve the way we conduct business whereby ensuring our ecosystem, which we so greatly depend on, flourishes for generations to come! I am also extremely proud of being part of an organization that is tackling this threat head-on, and I foresee others will follow who share this ideology, making it a vital part when seeking to join organizations with a similar mindset.
Let me know how your company is addressing climate change and if there are ways, we could help each other in ensuring that the world we live in, not only survives but blossoms with life for generations to come!